Precinct Development

The Advanced Environmental Simulation Facility (AESF) will be available to businesses, research partners, entrepreneurs, and government agencies to provide cost-effective operational test and evaluation facilities in North Queensland to support high-performance teams and their training needs, as well as providing companies with facilities to test their latest innovations.

The facility will include several spaces hosting varied simulation environment within the defence, health, and medical domains. With deeply immersive capabilities, the simulated environments will support training, education and research and operational test and evaluation activities, which will be instrumented to provide feedback both throughout, and post, activities.

Stage One - Advanced Environmental Simulation Facility

The AESF will include:

  • An agile command and control (C2) team performance research laboratory to perform research with Defence Science, and Technology StarShot programs, CRCs (Cooperative Research Centre) as well as support the development of C2 training for emergency services, industry and international pacific engagements.

  • High-Performance Computing (HPC) capability providing high-capacity modelling, simulation, and gaming systems for cost effective, networked technology development and test and evaluation purposes.

To be done in Townsville on land bordering Lavarack Barracks, James Cook University and Townsville University Hospital, Stage 1 is currently under development to support an AESF and industry collaboration with Cubic Defence Australia as the anchor tenant.