Our Facilities
NQ SPARK’S Advanced Environmental Simulation Facility (AESF) will be available to businesses, research partners, entrepreneurs and government agencies to provide cost-effective training, education, research and operational test and evaluation facilities in North Queensland to support high-performance teams and their training needs, as well as providing companies with facilities to test their latest innovations.
The facility will include several spaces hosting varied and reconfigurable simulation environments in support of the defence, health, and medical domains. With deeply immersive capabilities, the simulated environments will support training, education and research and operational test and evaluation activities, which will be instrumented to provide feedback both throughout, and post, activities.
Simulation Rooms
Incident Room
This cavernous space will support a range of immersive, simulation enabled incident training, first aid responses, human machine teaming (HUM-T) test, evaluation, and systems assurance facility.
Capable of supporting integrated simulations, with the ability to simulate rain, wind and noise, to replicate dangerous and complex operating environments, and the capacity to be used with VR and AR systems for learning and/or testing.
Medical Room
A cutting-edge medical training and research facility for development, practice, rehearsal and experimentation in field, ward and surgical environments.
Surgical Theatre
An innovative space that allows teams to work in life-like surgical theatre simulations, facilitating personal development, experimentation, rehearsal of surgical procedures, and practical education within the surgical field.
Command and Control (C2) Room
A C2 team performance research laboratory will support research with Defence’s Science and Technology Group (Agile C2 StarShot), and support the C2 training for emergency services, industry and international Pacific engagements.
Debriefing and Feedback
Using the latest technologies, software and learning methodologies, NQ SPARK will support the creation of learning performance systems evaluations for cross-functional teams and individuals.
Industry Room
A multi-functional reconfigurable room available to suitable organisations across a range of industries to meet their requirements within the AESF.
High-Performance Computing (HPC) & Digital Twinning
In support of both the simulation rooms, and consumable as a hosted service, NQ Spark will be deploying a market leading High-Performance Computing platform.
The NQ Spark HPCaaS platform will deliver the computing (GPU and CPU), high-speed, low latency networking, storage and backup resources required to ensure a world class simulation, immersive visualisation, Digital Twin construction, analysis, and research service.
Offered as either part of the simulation service, dedicated for key customers or accessible as a shared resource the NQ Spark HPC environment will be integrated with workload orchestration services for easy access to the needed resources. The evergreen HPC platform provides a balanced blend of the latest GPU and CPU technology to support machine learning, artificial intelligence, real-time interactive visualisation, and Graphical applications.